5/5/2021 StrongHouse announces formation of a new Multi sport Federation of Powerlifting and Strongman disciplines both in the same house - StrongHouse .
StrongHouse gym already has a history of hosting non sanctioned powerlifting events dating back to 2018 being the first Australian powerlifting competition with a third gender category in order to incorporate and be inclusive to Trans and Gender diverse folk to the sport.
This independant federation will allow freedom from tradition over growth and advancements in the sport.
The first sanctioned StrongHouse Powerlifting Meet was held at the new Ringwood location 51b Bond st on July 4th 11am seeing 10 lifters take the platform with a 780kg Total being performed.
Upcoming comps are listed below with entry form at bottom of the page.
There are no pre-requisites or yearly membership fees to compete.
Upcoming competitions
July 17th
Deadlift only in conjunction with Ringwoods Strongest
August 7th
3 Lift Powerlifting at Northside S+C Somerton
Enrollment Link TBA
October 1st
Metal Militia Equipped Powerlifting
See MM for entry
Nov 20th
Powerlifting Nationals
Registration not open
July 17th
Ringwoods Strongest Man/Woman ASA Nationals qualifier
Oct 29th 2022
STATIC MONSTERS - Log Press / Axle Deadlift